Blissful Web Design

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Why Ads

The ads on the top and bottom banner of this site are part of the Google Adsense program. I do not have full control over what ads Google place there. I have no association with the advertisers presented in the ads.

There's two reasons why I have Google Ads on this site.

  • So you can feel free to look at competitors and compare their prices with mine. I don't feel that I loose business because I believe my value provided is better than my competitors.
  • As a website owner that allow Google to use my webspace for ads, Google pays me based on the number of clicks of the ads.

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While others may offer "money-back" guarantee. I do better by offering no payment upfront and no payment unless satisfied.

I'm also not afraid to point you to competitors such as,,,, etc.

Get their quote and compare with mine.